About Central Lutheran Church
Welcome to Central Lutheran Church. We are excited to have you join us. And we are also aware that you may come wondering what to expect at Central Lutheran. Here are just a few things that you may notice.
Our worship is a bit noisy, not because of drums or singing, but because of the children in our midst. Children are welcomed and embraced at Central. In fact, we want to see AND hear children. Sometimes worship will feel meditative and other times it will feel like organized chaos. That's who we are. We love and embrace the children around us. That's just how it is! But we also know that children, at times, need a break. And if a break is needed, there is the Haven, a room available where you can still experience worship (via TV) but give your child the break that they are in need of.
Come as you are. You will find people in dresses and suits and others in tee shirts and jeans. Just come. We don’t care, and we really don't think God cares what you’re wearing.
People bring their Bibles. We like to use the Scriptures intentionally in our worship. But don’t worry if you don’t have a bible. We have one for every seat, so use ours.
During worship you will notice people making an offering. Through our offerings we can support God's mission for our church, but don't feel that you will be pressured to give because we don't expect you to give.
When you come to Central, chances are someone may say “Hi.” That's just who we are! We like to welcome the people who gather together.
Communion. We have Holy Communion every Sunday and Wednesday and EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO THE TABLE. If you don’t feel ready to commune, no worries. But just know that you are invited!
There are a variety of ways to worship God at Central and all of them are right and amazing in their own way. Take your time. Find the service that is comfortable for you that helps you feel connected to God.