About Hope United Church of Christ
“God, make us a people of Hope.”
Each week, we gather at Hope UCC for God to form us into a community that offers hope to others. We experience the living God in worship and with one another. We believe Christ’s presence in our lives can lead us to act and care boldly — to heal, forgive, tell the truth, come out, pray and sing, do the justice work, to weep, laugh, and celebrate God’s hope. We want that hope to reach out to all kinds of people. Our motto is Welcome, Nurture, Share!
This means we are committed to diversity because we want to look around our table and see God’s dream of the amazing spectrum of humanity sitting next to one another in peace.This means that all kinds of families are valued — and that we treasure all children. This means that we are “open and affirming” and celebrate God’s gifts and grace through lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people of faith. This means we commit to include all people regardless of ability or disability. We pray God will empower us to be in ministry with others who are most vulnerable and having rough times. We believe our prayers and service should extend, as well, to the broader world — across the globe.
Many of our members say that before coming to Hope they never knew a church like this existed. Maybe you have been searching for answers, seeking a spiritual home for you or your family, or just want a place where you can be loved. This is a church unlike many you will encounter. A church with a vision of hope, love and acceptance for all people, everywhere in the name of Christ. A church that knows how to love, to laugh, to cry, to serve, and to think. A church where all are welcome . . .
We are a community of:
seekers of a loving God
thinkers and questioners
those struggling with conventional religious traditions
people of all ages
individuals on a spectrum sexual orientations or gender identities
individuals of different skin colors, races, and ethnic backgrounds
families of all types
individuals of all abilities and differing abilities
people who want to influence their society through social justice .
people who grew up with no faith
people who grew up going to church regularly
people who need and appreciate a loving community, a family of believers
No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!
At Hope Church we do not claim to have all the answers about who God is and what God has to say to the world. We are a group of people who believe that God is still speaking in our world today. Our goal is to listen and to follow. Our task is to love and serve. Through our community we hope to bring peace and justice to a broken world.