About Hope Unlimited Community Church
Through our vision and mission stated below, our leadership and members aim to serve our community with the love of Jesus Christ serving selflessly, so that the community thrives in the love and grace God has to offer. We are an outward focused church partnering with secular and religious organizations alike that share our vision and help our community. Just like our King and Lord Jesus Christ accomplished in His ministry, Hope Unlimited aims to heal the sick, feed the poor, and improve quality of life through love and service.
Mission Statement
To do church differently!
Our mission is to introduce the lost and broken to the saving grace of Jesus Christ through a contagious, Holy Spirit driven atmosphere of authentic worship, connection, and discipleship with people, channeling the love that results into an irresistible fire that ignites our community, country, and the globe for God. To feed that fire using the billows of discipleship and training sending an army of leaders to spread the Gospel (Good News) of Jesus Christ to heal the hopeless, depressed, and hurt throughout the world.