About Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd
We try to be open, welcoming and inclusive (though we are not yet perfect!).
The link between the congregations of Good Shepherd/El Buen Pastor has grown stronger over the last few years.
We look to see further developments for our mutual benefit and the nurture of the faith of us all.
8.00am Eucharist Rite I
10.30am Eucharist Rite II
10.30pm Santa Eucarista (Capilla de Santa Maria la Virgen)
12.15pm Midweek Eucharist
9.30 - 10.20am Adult Forum and Youth (12+) program
10.00am Bible Class in Spanish (in the Parlor)
9.30am Children's Education (they are brought into church at 11am)
On 1st Sunday there are usually children's activities (from 9.30am) followed by a Children's Teaching Eucharist in the basement area at 10.30am
Nursery available from 9.30am
Monday 2.00 - 3.30pm Red Thread Women's Group and Children's Church
Tuesday 1.00pm Lectionary Bible Study
2nd Fridays (check the month's dates on Facebook) 6.00pm Messy Chuch Family Evening
ECW is very strong at Good Shepherd and has many outreach programs.
We also have a Shawl Ministry, which also knits sweaters and baby blankets for chidren in South America and Baby Beanies for the local maternity Units.
We have active links with the local Homeless Shelter and Youth Impact, which provides a amazing after-school program through the week for local youth.
We are committed through our worship and the work of our committees to serve God, serve one another and serve our community.
Find us on the corner of Grant Avenue and 24th Street in Downtown Ogden. We would love to see you, whether you are a visitor or looking for a place where you wil be a welcome part of the church family.