St. William Laud Episcopal Church

601 Lafayette Rd., Pittsburg, Texas

Episcopal churches in Pittsburg, Texas

St. William Laud Episcopal Church, Pittsburg, Texas, United States
Christmas Eve 2023
White Family Christmas Eve at Midnight Mass, St. William Laud Episcopal Church - photo courtesy of Shelby Rust

Location of Worship

601 Lafayette Rd.
United States

Service Times

Weekly Schedule

Holy Eucharist Rite II

Every Sunday at 9:00 AM in the Nave

This is a traditional Episcopalian mass as outlined in the 1986 Book of Common Prayer. The Eucharist is observed every Sunday. All are welcome.

Study Group

Every Monday at 7:00 PM in the Parish Hall

Contact Info

Call Pastor: (903) 856-2675
Visit Website

About St. William Laud Episcopal Church

Saint William Laud Episcopal Church, witnessing to the love of Christ in the community of Pittsburg, Texas since 1954. Whatever your church affiliation may be, all baptized Christians, including children of all ages, are welcome to receive Holy Communion here. If you are affiliated with another denomination and are a baptized Christian; and are accustomed to receiving communion in your own church; and you anticipate the real spiritual benefit and presence of Christ in the consecrated bread and wine, then you are welcome to receive at the altar. Our liturgy is conducted on authority of the Book of Common Prayer, 1979, according to the use of the Episcopal Church USA.

Our parish is involved with ministering to the needs of the Pittsburg community in several ways. We operate a day school for pre-kindergarden children. We help feed the needy with our Loaves & Fishes pantry. Several of our members are deeply involved in REC, a prison ministry to several of the Texas prisons. Many of our members volunteer at the local East Texas Medical Center with a books and ``magazine service to patients. Others volunteer in the pre-op area & the front desk. Others in the parish are involved in visitation to local nursing homes and hospice care.

Those are some of our outreach programs. We are also involved in inreach, that is ministering to our own members. One of the ways we do that is our after-service coffee hour on Sundays after the Eucharist. Another popular event is our "First Thursday" covered dish supper. On the first Thursday of each month we all gather in the parish hall with whatever dish we care to share with everyone and just have a meal and a lot of good fellowship. Dress is casual and there is no program.

There' a lot going on and everyone can always find somewhere to fit in. Parishioners assist in the Services as Acolytes, Lay Readers, Ushers and Oblationers. We call for volunteers at times during the year, but anytime you feel a calling to serve please let us know.

Location Map


Other Church Leaders


Children and Youth Activities


Community Activities

Other Information