About Golf Course Road Church of Christ
Call it what you will – transformation, sanctification, spiritual formation – it doesn’t happen overnight. The course of being changed more and more into the image of God is difficult and lengthy. But this is precisely what God is doing with those he has saved and called for his glorious purposes. This is what God is doing in us. And we are paying closer attention to it at GCR.
As we are shaped more and more into the image of Jesus, the natural outcome will be service to others. This is God’s great purpose and will for his people – mission, ministry, good works. This is what God is doing through us. And we are committing to it at GCR.
Our vision at Golf Course Road brings us to a new season of exciting opportunity: challenging us to take greater steps of faith, making the most of our momentum and resources, and serving in love those who are far from God. If we are focused and unified in this vision, our God will work through us to reach more people, to impact more lives, and to ultimately do more for his Kingdom than we’ve ever dared to dream. We are on the cusp of something eternally significant for our church, a BREAKTHROUGH that triggers an explosion of faith and generosity for the sake of Midland, the whole Permian Basin, and the world.