About First Church of The Nazarene
Visiting a new church can be stressful. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible. When you're ready to know about who we are, what we believe, and how HFC can become YOUR HFC, we'll be ready to help.
After each Sunday service, many of the pastors will be hanging around the front of the sanctuary so that we can meet you. Come up, let us get to know you. And when you leave, stop by the welcome center in the lobby. We'd love to get your information and give you a free gift.
Once you're ready to take that next step, we're ready for you with a great event. It's called REstart, and it's a great time to learn more about who we are, what we believe, and how you can get involved at HFC.
REstart happens quarterly. Announcements will be made in the worship folder, weekly emails, and on our HFC Facebook page, so be sure to connect with us to stay in the loop!