About AME Connectional MSWAWO+PK's
Welcome to the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church Connectional Ministers’ Spouses, Widows and Widowers Organization, Plus P.K.’S. This organization operates under the auspices of the Social Action Commission of the AME Church.
Conn-M-SWAWO Plus PK’s is a network/support system for those famlies who serve the church in the preaching/pastoral ministry.
Our mission is to be an advocate for the families and survivors of the Ministers of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.
We advocate by presenting seminars and workshops dealing with areas of professionalism, ethics, image, children's issues, retirement planning, family planning, health, fitness, vocation, stress and recreation.
CONN-M-SWAWO addresses the concerns of the Ministers’ Spouses, Widows, Widowers, Children and Ministerial Retirees. We are a support system for clergy families.Our focus is togetherness!
Dues for CONN-M-SWAWO are $25.00 annually and includes:
Quarterly Newsletters
Membership Updates and Announcements
Cards/Notices on special Occasion
Membership Card
Listing in the Connectional Directory
Lifelong relationship
Become a Member TODAY! The Organization Needs YOU!