About Woniya Wakan
We are one of four churches in the Santee Sioux/YanktonSioux Mission. Woniya Wakan is consolidated from Holy Fellowship from Greenwood, and from Holy Name from Choteau Creek, both in South Dakota. In September of 1989 the grounds were consecrated and the first service was Easter, 1990. Church services, every Sunday at 11:00 a.m., are usually held in English, with hymn singing in Dakota and sometimes English.
Besides being a mission church of the Diocese of South Dakota, we are also a member of the Niobrara Deanery, a group of Dakota, Lakota, and Nakota churches (and some other churches) within the diocese. Niobrara Convocations are held every year, ever since the Episcopal missionaries came to Dakota Territory in the late 1800's. The four churches in the Santee Sioux/Yankton Sioux Episcopal Mission will be hosting the 2014 Niobrara Convocation the last weekend in June at Santee, Nebraska. Of note is that the first Niobrara Convocation was at Santee in 1870.
Recommended video about Doctrine of Discovery: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drLnI_k5b6s& (cut and paste link into your browser's internet)