St. Martin's-In-The-Fields Episcopal Church

(Episcopal church in Columbia, SC)

5220 Clemson Avenue, Columbia, South Carolina

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Location of Worship

5220 Clemson Avenue Columbia South Carolina 29206 Jump to map

Service Times

Worship Schedule


8 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II

9:15 to 10:15 a.m. September through May 15: Christian Formation classes for all ages; and freshly brewed coffee available in Parish Hall before classes. Adult class locations vary. Children meet in St. Anne's and youth in The Loft, both in The Commons.

9:15 to 10:15 a.m. May 22 through August: Coffee Talk, freshly brewed coffee available between services in the Parish Hall. Stop by for a cup and conversation.

9 a.m. until after the 10:30 service September through May 15: School year Nursery hours, The Commons.

10:15 a.m. until after the 10:30 service May 22 through August. Summer Nursery hours. The Commons.

10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II


7:30 a.m. Morning Prayer II. All Saints' Hall in the Parish Hall.

Noon. Holy Eucharist in the Chapel. A Healing Eucharist is offered the first Tuesday of each month.


Special services throughout the year mark the observance of seasons such as Advent or Lent. We also frequently enhance our worship through the use of special music for services such as Caribbean or Jazz Masses as well as Evensong.

Contact Info

Call Pastor: 803-787-0392 ext 107 Call Office: 803-787-0392 ext 100 Send Fax: 803-782-5658 Email The Rev. Tom Nicoll Email Victoria Fleischer Visit Website

(last updated on the 16th of November, 2016)

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About St. Martin's-In-The-Fields Episcopal Church

  • St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields is a mid-sized Episcopal parish within the Diocese of Upper South Carolina. Located in Forest Acres, a suburb of Columbia, our campus is just off of Forest Drive, across the street from Crayton Middle School.

    Founded in 1950, St. Martin’s is a liturgically-grounded parish whose members strive to live their lives through a deep understanding of the Anglican ideal of the via media, or the middle way. Here you will find young and old worshiping with serious intent in a parish atmosphere that is genuine, relaxed and come-as-you-are.

    On our campus, you will discover people with big hearts and spirits: generous with their gifts and always stretching to understand what it means to be a Christian in today’s world. We find comfort in our deep loyalty to the Episcopal Church with its rich liturgy and prayer life. And we embrace the challenges of practicing our faith in a world too often engaged in cynicism and polarization. Through God’s grace and the faithfulness of those who came before us, we continue to build a faith community that began 65 years ago. Come join us in sharing the Good News that Christ is alive and there’s love enough to go around. All are welcome!

St. Martin's-In-The-Fields Episcopal Church Photos


  • Interim Rector The Rev. Tom Nicoll
  • Phone: 803-787-0392 ext 107
  • Fax:
  • Email: Email The Rev. Tom Nicoll

Other Church Leaders


  • Office Manager Victoria Fleischer
  • Phone: 803-787-0392 ext 100
  • Fax: 803-782-5658
  • Email: Email Victoria Fleischer

Children and Youth Activities

  • Children and Family Ministries is a vital part of life at St. Martin’s, overseeing a wide variety of activities from baptisms and our annual Blessing of the Animals to children's Lenten retreats and St. Nicholas celebrations. Coordinated by Michelle McDonnell -- a St. Martin’s parishioner and mother to three preschool and elementary-age children -- Children and Family Ministries has responsibility for activities for children from infancy through fifth grade, including Christian formation classes and Chapel services held during the 10:30 a.m. service. Pictured here, a volunteer leads a Godly Play lesson on baptism in St. Anne's Room, the Godly Play Chapel in The Commons.


Community Activities

Other Information

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  • Adult Congregation: 0
  • Under 18 Congregation: 0
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