About Saint John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Church
Welcome to Saint John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Church in Hazleton. We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, fully inspired and without error in the original manuscripts, written by men under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and that it has supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct. The Bible, including all the books of the Old Testament and New Testament, is Holy Scripture and the inspired true word of God. It is fully authoritative and our only absolutely trustworthy guide for life and faith. We believe that eternal life in heaven is the reward of all who believe and receive Christ as their Lord.
We believe that Jesus Christ, as our representative and substitute, died on the cross as the perfect, all-sufficient sacrifice for our sins. His shed blood and resurrection are the only ground for salvation, and it is through faith alone in Christ that anyone is justified before God.
About God's Word: We believe that the Bible is the inspired, inerrant, authoritative Word of God. We believe that the Holy Spirit inspired the original writings of Scripture and that the original writings are without error.
About God's Solution: We believe that all people are sinners by nature and by choice, and are, therefore under condemnation. We believe that those who repent of their sins and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior are regenerated by the Holy Spirit.