About Mahoning Presbyterian Church
The Mahoning Presbyterian church has been serving the people of Danville for 234 years (and counting)!
We have been blessed with a rich history of members who have had both local and international impact.
We remain vibrant in service and ministry to the community.
We look forward to welcoming you, through both our virtual doors here on the website and the actual doors of our church.
Mahoning Presbyterian Church offers the opportunity for community worship every Sunday morning. Starting the Sunday after Labor Day until mid-June, our worship service is at 10:45 AM. From mid-June until the Sunday after Labor Day, our worship services are at 10:00 AM to enjoy the cooler morning breezes.
The congregation and wider community benefit from the majestic and eloquent organ and piano mastery of Organist Donald Messimer, who provides the Special Music on Sundays. In 1883, Mahoning Presbyterian Church was given the E.G. & G. Hook & Hastings organ, which is now nationally historically-registered, by Danville Iron Master Thomas Beaver, a member. Bible studies are held throughout the year, as participants desire. [Nursery Care can be provided throughout the year.]