About Gettysburg Seventh-day Adventist Church
Did you know Adventists love the Bible? Yes, ALL of it! Our Sabbath School Bible Study includes Cradle Roll, Kindergarten, Primary, Earliteen, Youth, Young Adult, and Adult classes. Our classes begin Saturday mornings at 9:15 AM. Even our newborns enjoy and engage in a class, all their own.
All our classes, including our Cradleroll for infants through age 3, provide age appropriate music, in-depth Bible studies, and complete the entire Bible in 3-5 years,presenting all the major Bible stories from Genesis to Revelation! The Sabbath School Quarterlies, which contain daily study guides are freely provided to members and guests. Online quarterlies can also be viewed here for your convenience. Free Bibles are also available, if needed.
Our worship hour at 10:40 AM is much like many other Protestant and Christian denominations. We love our music and you will find that the hymns we sing are many of the same you may know and love. We delight in coming together on Saturday, God's never-changing Sabbath! We invite you to our weekly visitor meal after the worship hour and to our church-wide fellowship meals once a month. Take a break from the kitchen and join us!
Midweek on Wednesdays we have what we call Prayer Meeting. We come together for prayer and Bible study for one hour, beginning at 6:30 PM. Again, of course, all are welcome to our group!
The Gettysburg SDA's are involved in many local community outreach programs including, Soup Kitchen, Eden's Way Community Garden, Nursing Home visitations, Vegan and Vegetarian Cooking Schools, Health Fairs, Ruth's Harvest as well as international mission trips, ADRA (disaster relief) and evangelism.
We also have socials and other events throughout the year that are enjoyed by all age groups. We try to have something for everyone. Pre-teens and teens enjoy Pathfinders, a worldwide organization of young people sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Young people of any religious persuasion, or none at all, are welcome and encouraged to join. They participate in camping trips and survival skill training, leadership training, community involvement and hundreds of awards (honors), which are bestowed upon those that master skills in recreation, the arts, nature, conservation, vocations and outreach.
It would give us no greater joy if you would join us at our services and gatherings!