Frazer Mennonite Church

57 Maple Linden Lane, Frazer, Pennsylvania

Mennonite churches in Frazer, Pennsylvania

Frazer Mennonite Church, Frazer, Pennsylvania, United States
The sanctuary at Christmas
Ending hunger in America... one meal at a time
Frazer Mennonite Church sign

Location of Worship

57 Maple Linden Lane
United States

Service Times


9:30am: Worship

10:30am: Coffee & Fellowship

11:00am: Sunday School

Contact Info

Call Pastor: 610-644-3397
Call Office: 610-644-3397
Email Pastor
Email Admin
Visit Website

About Frazer Mennonite Church


We are around 65 households...

located as far away as Philadelphia, Kennett Square, Lancaster, and Pottstown and as close as next door.

who are clustered in West Chester, Malvern/Frazer, Phoenixville, Coatesville, Downingtown, and Exton.

who are single adult households (1/3) and married couple households (2/3) and households including children (1/4).

We are about 125 adults and children...

who are teachers, social workers, engineers, custodians, lawyers, principals, stay-at-home moms, retirees, photographers, painters, chaplains, professors, nurses, counselors, IT people and more.

who grew up Catholic, Methodist, Pentecostal, Baptist, Mennonite, non-denominational or no religious background.

who were born in such places as Pennsylvania, Virginia, Indiana, Illinois, Nebraska, Massachusetts, Canada, Zambia, the Philippines, Kenya, Iran and more.

We are a diverse community united by our shared vision to be….

A compassionate community walking with Christ toward peace and wholeness.

We are affiliated with the Atlantic Coast Conference of Mennonite Church USA.

Frazer Mennonite Church is a welcoming place. A place to feel accepted where you are and encouraged to glimpse the possibilities of seeing yourself as God sees you; a beloved creation being molded into the likeness of Christ.

Frazer Mennonite Church is a connecting place. A place designed to connect you with God and others in ways that address your deepest needs and encourage maturity and growth in your relationships with God and others.

Frazer Mennonite Church is a healing place. A place to experience God’s love and the compassion of others to bring healing to the pain we carry.

Location Map


Other Church Leaders


Children and Youth Activities


Community Activities

Other Information