Beaver Valley Christian Fellowship

903 8th Ave, Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania

Non-denominational churches in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania

Beaver Valley Christian Fellowship, Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, United States

Location of Worship

903 8th Ave
Beaver Falls
United States

Service Times

Sunday services:

Every Week

Morning: 10:45-12:15

Potluck and prayer 12:30-2PM
2nd and 4th Sundays after Sunday worship

Thursday bible study

Every week 7-8 PM

Contact Info

Call Pastor: 724 544 7660
Email Pastor
Visit Website

About Beaver Valley Christian Fellowship

On any given Sunday in a red house in Beaver falls you will find a small huddle of people worshiping God and sharing a meal together. We are called Beaver Valley Christian Fellowship. We are committed to Jesus and one another. We have been doing this for a long time. We pray a lot, sing a lot and share what the spirit of Jesus is saying to us. We love the bible and speak and teach from it as it brings into focus the nearness of God. We know each other, and we love one another and share our lives and sorrows with one another. During our worship we remember how the Lord Jesus shared his last meal with his disciples pointing to the bread as a symbol of his own body which would be broken for them and us. He pointed to the wine at that meal as a symbol of his own blood which would be spilled so we could be forgiven.

Location Map


Other Church Leaders


Children and Youth Activities


Community Activities

Other Information