About The Elijah List
THE ELIJAH LIST is called to transmit around the world, in agreement with Holy Scripture, fresh daily prophetic "manna" from the Lord, regarding the days in which we live.
THE ELIJAH LIST has determined to find and publish the most credible prophetic words possible through "tried and tested" men and women of God and to post them to the entire list so that they may be individually judged by members of the Body of Christ. We are instructed in the Bible not to forbid prophecy, but instead to "let (or allow) two or three prophets speak" and let the others in the Body evaluate what was spoken (or written). So rather than being "guarantors" that each and every published word will come true, we are posting words largely from those with whom we have relationship, who are most likely to be speaking the true and current heart of the Father in this hour.
1 Corinthians 14:29 "Two or three prophets should speak, and the others should weigh carefully what is said."
THE ELIJAH LIST is called to transmit around the world, in agreement with Holy Scripture, fresh daily prophetic "manna" from the Lord, regarding the days in which we live.