St Andrews Presbyterian Church
3228 SW Sunset Blvd, Portland, Oregon
Presbyterian churches in Portland, Oregon
Location of Worship
3228 SW Sunset Blvd
United States
Service Times
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Sunday 10am or
Contact Info
Call Pastor: 503-246-4276
Call Office: 503-246-4276 / 503-293-1048
Send Fax: 503-246-3314
Email Pastor
Email Admin
Visit Website
About St Andrews Presbyterian Church
We are a church for all age groups and chapters of life, in joys and in challenges.We are: couples, singles, women, men, LGBTQ, straight, families, seniors, youth, children, able-bodied, people with disabilities, doubters, and seekers.
Whoever you are, whatever is unfolding in your life, wherever you’ve been, you are welcome here.
Mission, Values and Vision
Core Values
Supporting Mission Together | Open, Warm-Hearted Community
Honor Individual Perspectives | Expressing God's Love through Music, Art and Nature
Embracing Intergenerational Relationships
What We Believe
"Through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, we trust in the one triune God, the Holy One of Israel, whom alone we worship and serve. We trust in Jesus Christ, fully human, fully God. "
– opening of A Brief Statement of Faith (PCUSA Book of Confessions)
We affirm Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. This is the central belief of the church, and the only belief necessary for membership in the Presbyterian Church. All individuals who affirm Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, commit to trusting in him, seek to be his disciples, and show his love to all, are welcome to be members of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church.
Our purpose is to share the love of God in Jesus Christ in word and deed among each other and with all the world. We seek to fulfill Christ's mission on earth by;
Proclaiming and participating in the God's reign here on earth. This means; bringing love in the midst of rejection, joy in the midst of sadness, hope in the midst of despair, and peace in the midst of conflict;
Growing in discipleship through the study of Scripture, worship, prayer, fellowship, stewardship, and service, relying on the Holy Spirit to shape our lives increasingly into the likeness of Jesus Christ;
By the power of the Holy Spirit, calling each other to live the abundant life offered by God in and through Jesus Christ;
Honoring God as our Creator by protecting, preserving, and celebrating all of Creation.
Honoring all people as created in God's image by affirming the dignity and value of all, regardless of nationality, race, tribe, gender, sexual orientation, age, educational background, and ability;
Following the example of Jesus Christ in addressing the brokenness in every aspect of life, within ourselves, throughout our communities, and bearing witness to the Gospel of love in the world;
Intentionally working with and on behalf of those who are poor, oppressed, and disadvantaged;
Leading by the example set by Jesus Christ, identifying and using our spiritual gifts and abilities with the Church and in society at large.
Our Traditions
At St. Andrew's, we have some special worship services we hold each year. They are designed to allow us to enjoy and appreciate things that are not normally part of our worship, but which help us to know and draw closer to God. We also have special services that are a normal part of the church calendar, such as Christmas, Easter, and the special services associated with those holy days.
Ash Wednesday
Palm Sunday
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
Blessing of the Animals
Christmas Eve
Location Map
- Pastor Rev. Dr. Sarah Sanderson-Doughty
- Phone: 503-246-4276
- Fax: 503-246-3314
- Email: Email Pastor
Other Church Leaders
- Office Administrator Cynthia Reynolds
- Phone: 503-246-4276 / 503-293-1048
- Fax: 503-246-3314
- Email: Email Admin
Children and Youth Activities
Community Activities
Other Information
- Dress Code:
- Adult Congregation: 0
- Under 18 Congregation: 0
- Other Information: