About Shepherd Of The Valley Church
Shepherd of the Valley is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), located in Beaverton, Oregon.
Worship Times
Sunday Morning
8:30 AM
9:45 AM Sunday School (ages preschool to 6th grade) and Bible Study
11:00 AM (10:30 AM during the summer)
Wednesday Evening
6:30 PM Midweek Short Service (during the school year)
We are located on the North side of Cornell Road near the intersection of Cornell Road and 173rd, adjacent to the Bronson Creek Park.
Our services are not formal, some people wear jeans, some dress up a bit. As you walk into the church, the sanctuary is to the right where ushers will be available to give you a bulletin and answer any questions you may have. You may choose your own seat. We have comfortable, padded chairs, not pews. The bulletin has everything that you need to follow the service including lyrics to the songs -- and announcements regarding the current church activities.
Families and Children Welcome!
During both Sunday services, children (of any age!) are invited to the front of the church for the Children's Message. You'll see our Pastor sit on the floor with the children and thoroughly enjoy talking directly to them -- helping to bring the good news of Jesus Christ into their world in a way they can understand. At the 11:00 AM service, at the completion of the Children's message, young children are invited to go downstairs to the nursery if their parents choose. The children will be brought back upstairs in time to participate in a communion blessing with their family and our church family. We welcome children in our worship and in our church community.
Sunday services are typically one hour long, and we usually have coffee and refreshments afterwards for people who want to stay awhile and chat.
If you aren't able to join us Sunday mornings, the Wednesday midweek services are about one half hour, and Pastor Randy always has something new to share with us. Midweek services are typically on hiatus over summer.
We take communion by "intinction," which means that Pastor places a communion wafer in the palm of your hand, and you can dip the wafer into either the wine or grape juice. All who wish to participate are welcome to come forward and receive God's gift of gracious love.
Our church is accessible to people with disabilities. There are no steps between the parking lot and the sanctuary, and we have a hearing assistance system. We also have a wheelchair accessible restroom which has an infant changing station.
Recordings of the services can be found on our podcast page. Read pastor messages and event announcements on our Happening Now blog. You are also invited to like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter.
If you have any questions before your visit, please feel free to contact the church office.