About Newport Potter's House Church
The Newport Christian Potter’s House Church is a full gospel, evangelical, Pentecostal church which was started in 1996 through pioneering efforts of Pastor Doug Moss and his wife Diane under the financial support of The Door Church of El Paso. Our church is a part of a global network of churches with over 400 national churches and 2000 churches worldwide. It is affiliated with Christian Fellowship Ministries founded by Pastor Wayman Mitchell, senior pastor of The Potter’s House Church of Prescott, Arizona.
Beginning in 1973, this body (originally First Foursquare Church) has mothered an entire fellowship of churches which go by various names. These include The Door, The Potter’s House, Victory Chapel, The Lighthouse, and Living Waters.
One unique facet of Christian Fellowship Ministry churches is the discipleship and training of couples within the local congregations for the purpose of planting churches. True to the same vision Newport Potter’s House Church released their pastor to the mission field in Dublin Ireland in 2014 and have since returned to their pastorate in Newport.