Lincoln Street United Methodist Church
5145 SE Lincoln St, Portland, Oregon
United Methodist churches in Portland, Oregon
Location of Worship
5145 SE Lincoln St
United States
Service Times
Join us for WORSHIP Sundays at 9:00 a.m.
Here's the Zoom link:
Contact Info
Call Pastor: (503) 231-1930
Call Office: (503) 231-1930
Email Pastor
Email Admin
Visit Website
About Lincoln Street United Methodist Church
At Lincoln Street Church we . . .. . . search for answers in the stories of the Bible and other holy books, the words of poets and scholars, the wisdom of children, and the collective reflections of our community.
. . . create community through meaningful, participatory worship and varied outreach projects to give service in our neighborhood and across the world.
. . . embrace diversity and strive for a community that fully welcomes every person as a beloved child of God.
Location Map
- Pastor Elizabeth Winslea
- Phone: (503) 231-1930
- Email: Email Pastor
Other Church Leaders
- Administrative Assistant Ardith Muse
- Phone: (503) 231-1930
- Email: Email Admin
Children and Youth Activities
- At Lincoln Street we recognize that children are integral to a vital and healthy church. Children begin the worship service in the sanctuary with the rest of the congregation and remain in worship through the opening words, welcome and Children’s Chat. All children are welcome to remain with their families throughout the service.
Nursery care is provided downstairs for infants and toddlers. A single Sunday School class for all school age children is provided downstairs during the school year. During the summer, childcare providers lead the children in playing games or doing creative activities, usually outdoors if the weather permits. Sunday School focuses on Bible lessons, craft activities, indoor games and community building activities. Each staff member or volunteer working with children has passed a background check.
Childcare is also provided for special events taking place outside of worship hours.
Community Activities
- The people of Lincoln Street seek to do good in the local community as well as in the broader world. Among the ways we have done that recently include:
Ongoing support for Clackamas Service Center, a local provider of services to those in need.
Ongoing support for Street Roots, a local newspaper with a mission of supporting unhoused individuals through its network of vendors.
Ongoing relationship with a Street Roots vendor.
Ongoing support for Clara Biswas, a United Methodist missionary working in Cambodia.
A Lenten project to support UMCOR (the United Methodist Committee on Relief).
Membership in the Reconciling Ministries Network.
Participation in racial equity work.
Other Information
- Dress Code: Wear your mask or not, as you are comfortable. At least during the months when the windows are open, masks are optional during worship.
Come to worship dressed however you feel most comfortable. You will see folks in shorts or jeans, cycling gear, and some in their 'Sunday best.' We are a diverse group of humans who respect you and want you to come as you are. - Adult Congregation:
- Under 18 Congregation:
- Other Information: Coffee hour:
The coolest thing about Lincoln Street Church is the community. Join us every Sunday for coffee hour, right after the service. During the rainy months, we meet in the basement. But you'll find us outside as often as possible, on the 52nd Ave. side of the church.
Coffee hour is where we catch up with one another on life events, get to know new friends, and continue reflections that begin during worship. Plus, there’s always a fun nibble or two to try!