About Jesus Pursuit Church
Jesus Pursuit Church is a local community of faith as well as a regional resource center dedicated to equipping the saints for the ministry of Jesus Christ. We exist to glorify Jesus and take His message and works of the kingdom of God to Albany, surrounding cities, the Northwest and the nations.
We are a community of faith that values Christ-likeness in committed, loving relationships that don’t give up on one another. We endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit as we humbly extend ourselves to the poor, broken, and bound that need Christ regardless of their culture, race or background.
We value freedom and creativity endeavoring to help each other fulfill our destiny in Christ, while trusting God to grow us up into Him as we respect family and personal responsibility in our relationships with each other.
We long to know Jesus in friendship, power, and truth as we give priority to worship, prayer and His word, waiting upon Him to know His presence and to hear and obey His voice.
We long for more than a visitation of the Holy Spirit. We long to become a place of habitation where He can come and remain in our midst.