About Emmaus Lutheran Church
Welcome to Emmaus!
Emmaus is a warm and friendly gathering of people forgiven and redeemed by Jesus the Messiah, sharing the love of Christ throughout the community.
We at Emmaus are confessionally Lutheran. This means that as Christians we accept the confessions of the Protestant Reformation led by Martin Luther and others who taught that we are saved by grace though faith on account of Jesus Christ.
We believe that the sixty-six books of the Holy Bible are without error and are inspired by the Spirit of God. From this Word of God all of our teachings and practices are shaped and conformed. We also believe that the Lutherean Confessionals are true and faithful confessions of the doctrine taught in Scripture.
We use a the historical liturgical form of worship that is rare in today’s churches. If you are unfamiliar with this form of worship, please see the section on “Worshiping with the Hynmal!.
We welcome you to the house of God!