About Eastrose Fellowship Unitarian Universalist
Purpose and Mission
Our purpose is to provide an open-minded, caring fellowship, to support a free search for truth and wisdom, to promote ethical values, and to nurture the emotional, spiritual, and intellectual needs of our members. Our mission is to nourish a liberal religious community in East Multnomah County, to respect and celebrate the diversity inherent in humankind, and to bring the hope-filled message of Unitarian Universalism into our community and world.
We seek to carry out the principles of the Unitarian Universalist Association of churches and fellowships and the Pacific Northwest District with whom we are affiliated. These principles affirm the worth of everyone, freedom and the right of conscience in search of truth, encouragement of one another’s spiritual growth, respect for Jewish, Christian, and other religious teachings, and the wonder and mystery of the web of all life.
Membership in Eastrose is open to everyone who is in sympathy with our purpose and principles and wants to join. No creedal affirmation is required. Our website offers some basic information about the membership process for adults and children. The minister, board president, and other officers can provide more information.
Eastrose is democratically governed by a Board elected by the members. The Board and its committees direct all business matters and programs. Monthly Board meetings and committee membership are open to all. We invite everyone to take an active role in the work and enjoyment of creating programs and keeping Eastrose beautiful and lively. Cooperation and shared leadership are key values.