About Christ The Vine Lutheran Church
At Christ the Vine Lutheran Church, we do some things differently!
Jesus didn’t come to make good people better, he came to forgive struggling, sinful people like us, redeem us from the eternal consequences of our sin, and reconcile us to God. So we’re called to be honest with ourselves, to see ourselves as we really are; to recognize that we’re all afflicted with the condition called sin. Our focus at Christ the Vine is on what God has done for us through Jesus – purchased our forgiveness. Our response is gratitude and humility.
Mission Statement
To grow deeper in Faith, Knowledge, and Love of Christ
Vision Statement
To grow in love for Jesus Christ, love for one another and love for all our neighbors, near and far. We’ll eagerly share the Gospel with others, regularly invite others to worship with us and warmly welcome newcomers to our congregation. We will develop a clearer recognition of our own sinfulness that leads us to an ever deepening recognition of God’s overwhelming love, mercy and forgiveness toward us. As a result we will forgive willingly and grow in humility, gratitude, kindness, and obedience to God.