Calvary Chapel Port Orford
1536 Jackson Street, Port Orford, Oregon
Calvary Chapel churches in Port Orford, Oregon
Location of Worship
1536 Jackson Street
Port Orford
United States
Service Times
Sunday 9am - Worship and the Word
Thursday 6pm - Dinner and Bible Study
Contact Info
Call Pastor: 831-406-9308
Email Pastor
About Calvary Chapel Port Orford
We come to worship Jesus Christ because He is worthy to receive all glory, honor and power, and He has created all things, thus, we emphasize songs of worship and songs of praise in our meetings. Because worship is part of drawing near to God the first 1/3rd of our service is dedicated to worship through music.We are taught by the Word of Jesus Christ because it is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path, leading us to a personal knowledge of Him. His Word is also living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, discerning the thoughts and intent of the heart. The Word is also given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, so that the man and woman of God may be complete and thoroughly equipped for every good work, thus we emphasize the proclamation and teaching of God's Holy Word in our meetings.
We believe in detailed study of the Bible using an inductive approach that searches each chapter line by line looking for truth first based on observation of what the Word says, then by interpretation of what the Word means and finally by application of the Word to our lives today.
Location Map
- Pastor Jeffrey Long
- Phone: 831-406-9308
- Email: Email Pastor
Other Church Leaders
Children and Youth Activities
Community Activities
Other Information
- Dress Code:
- Adult Congregation: 0
- Under 18 Congregation: 0
- Other Information: