Augustana Lutheran Church
2710 NE 14th Ave, Portland, Oregon
Lutheran churches in Portland, Oregon
Location of Worship
2710 NE 14th Ave
United States
Service Times
Sunday Worship
8:30 am Contemporary Service
11:00 am Classical Service
Hiatus Open Circle
6:00 pm Jazz Service
Contemporary Service is held at 8:30 am. We sing current worship songs as well as those from different cultures and traditions, accompanied by a band with keyboard, guitars and drums. This service celebrates the Lord’s Supper each Sunday.
Classical Lutheran Service is held at 11 am, using the Evangelical Lutheran Worship songs and liturgy. This service celebrates the Lord’s Supper each Sunday.
The Jazz Service is held at 6 pm on Sunday in the main church. This service features the Augustana Jazz Quartet, a group of professional musicians who share their talents with us. They are some of the finest musicians in the city and weave their songs together with the preaching from Pastor Mark into a remarkable worship experience. The Lord’s Supper is celebrated the first Sunday of the month.
Open Circle is led by Native American worship leaders and incorporates Native traditions including smudging, flute and drums. Open Circle travels to various locations during the summer.
Contact Info
Call Pastor: (503) 288-6174
Call Office: (503) 288-6174
Email Pastor
Email Admin
Visit Website
About Augustana Lutheran Church
Come Celebrate with Us. All Are Welcome Here!Welcome to Augustana. Augustana is a thriving, multicultural, multinational, welcoming and affirming, sanctuary, servant congregation, called by Christ to share the good news of God’s love for all people. We are called by the Creator to work with our Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Native American and Christian sisters and brothers and many people of good will, to seek justice and peace in all the earth and to care for the creation for generations to come, as together we weave God’s beloved community.
Rev. W.J. Mark Knutson, Pastor
Our Mission
The mission of Augustana Lutheran Church is to witness to the Good News of God in Jesus Christ as a multicultural and multinational congregation of justice-seekers and peacemakers who welcome and affirm every person.
“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.”
— 1 Peter 4:10
Location Map
- Senior Pastor Mark Knutson
- Phone: (503) 288-6174
- Email: Email Pastor
Other Church Leaders
- Administrative Assistant Joyce Kindschuh
- Phone: (503) 288-6174
- Email: Email Admin
Children and Youth Activities
- Babies & Preschoolers
Cradle roll provides parenting resources
Nursery provides child care for children up to age 5
Kindergarten to 6th Grade
Sunday school classes
First communion classes
Training of acolytes
Special events (Christmas pageant, Easter egg hunts etc.)
Summer camp at Camp Lutherwood
7th & 8th Grade
Confirmation classes culminating in confirmation
Confirmation camp at Camp Lutherwood
Social events with Youth group
High School
Youth group meetings for Bible study and fellowship
Social events
Service projects
Annual beach trip
ELCA National Youth Gathering
Sunday School
Community Activities
Other Information
- Dress Code: Come as you are and be comfortable.
- Adult Congregation:
- Under 18 Congregation:
- Other Information: