North Sheridan Church of Christ

1313 N. Sheridan Road, Tulsa, Oklahoma

Church of Christ churches in Tulsa, Oklahoma

North Sheridan Church of Christ, Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States

Location of Worship

1313 N. Sheridan Road
United States

Service Times

Wednesday Night Bible Study: 7:00

Sunday Evening Worship: 5:00

Sunday Morning Bible Study: 9:30

Sunday Morning Worship: 10:30

Contact Info

Call Pastor: (918) 835-1494
Visit Website

About North Sheridan Church of Christ

We at North Sheridan Church of Christ in Tulsa all still struggle with our own fallenness - daily - despite God's redemptive mercy through Christ. We have been delivered by God's grace from the ultimate penalty of Sin (eternal death), but the scars persist. And we are still sinners - albeit redeemed by God's mercy, and freed from condemnation. So as you come among us, expect to encounter brokenness and sin still on display, and grant us a measure of grace. By God's redeeming mercy we are being gradually drawn towards healing, and we invite you to join us in that journey.

We believe that this salvation, attested in all Scripture and secured by Jesus Christ, is applied to his people by the Holy Spirit. Sent by the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ, and is present with and in believers. He convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment, and by his powerful and mysterious work regenerates spiritually dead sinners, awakening them to repentance and faith, and in him they are baptized into union with the Lord Jesus, such that they are justified before God by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone.

About Peace and War: It is the duty of Christians to seek peace with all men on principles of righteousness. In accordance with the spirit and teachings of Christ they should do all in their power to put an end to war.

About God's Solution: We believe that all people are sinners by nature and by choice, and are, therefore under condemnation. We believe that those who repent of their sins and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior are regenerated by the Holy Spirit.

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