St. Francis Xavier Church

(Roman Catholic church in Cincinnati, OH)

611 Sycamore Street, Cincinnati, Ohio

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Location of Worship

611 Sycamore Street Cincinnati Ohio 45202 Jump to map

Mass Times

Mass Times

Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm
Sunday: 7:00 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am,
12:00 pm, & 5:00 pm

(Sunday 12 noon Mass will be discontinued in 2020)

Weekday Masses:
Mon - Fri 6:00 am & 11:30 am
Saturday Morning: 7:00 am

Mon - Fri 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Sat 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Contact Info

Call Pastor: 513-721-4045 Call Office: 513-721-4045 Send Fax: Email Rev. Patrick A. Fairbanks, SJ Email Diane Roden Visit Website

(last updated on the 3rd of January, 2020)

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About St. Francis Xavier Church

  • We’re A Jesuit Parish

    A "Jesuit" parish is a Catholic parish that is staffed and sponsored by the priests and brothers of the Society of Jesus. In the United States, there are 66 Jesuit parishes. A Jesuit parish is guided by the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola, which encourages people to reflect on their experiences and to discern God’s presence in their lives. Such a parish aims to nurture lay leadership as well as personal faith. It is also committed to “the faith that does justice” by way of solidarity with the poor and dedication to the greater good. Jesuit parishes are located in inner cities, suburbs and rural outposts, as well as on college campuses and Native American reservations.

    St Francis Xavier Church was originally founded in 1819 as Cincinnati’s first Catholic church. In 1845 when the Archdiocese invited the Jesuits to administer the parish and its adjacent school, our parish has been infused with the Jesuit charism. Because Jesuits are primarily missionaries and academics, there simply aren’t an abundance of Jesuit parishes in the U.S. St. Xavier Church is thus a bit of a rarity. Following the example of the order’s founder, St Ignatius Loyola, our parishioners strive to be men and women living for others, working towards a world where faith, justice, peace, and love can flourish. We seek to foster the spiritual development of all our members with regular opportunities for personal spiritual growth.

    In its service of the faith, a Jesuit parish is called upon to promote local and global justice by means of both personal conversion and structural change. We strive to create a genuine culture of solidarity which transcends parish boundaries. In practice , this reflects our wide-ranging community, which spans over 100 zip codes and is part of the larger mission of the United States Midwest Jesuit Province.

    Mission Statement

    St. Xavier Church, the Jesuit Parish in downtown Cincinnati, welcomes and serves people from the tri-state area.
    Our mission is to proclaim and live the gospel of Jesus Christ. We do this:
    by our celebration of scripture and sacraments
    by fostering adult spiritual development,
    by service to the poor, and
    by promotion of justice.

    Inward Reflection - Outward Action

    Our Ignatian Charism

    In the tradition of Ignatian Spirituality, our parish life is a holy and outward action that flourishes out of sincere inward reflection. The eloquent, dual motto “Inward Reflection Outward Action” characterizes the gift (charism) of discernment which is typical of a Jesuit parish. All we are and do comes from the life of Jesus Christ interior to each member, inspiring all of us to outward discipleship and service.

St. Francis Xavier Church Photos


  • Pastor Rev. Patrick A. Fairbanks, SJ
  • Phone: 513-721-4045
  • Fax:
  • Email: Email Rev. Patrick A. Fairbanks, SJ

Other Church Leaders

  • Fr. Matthew Gamber, SJ - Associate Pastor
    Fr. Jerome Veigas, SJ - Associate Pastor
    Fr. Bob Ross, SJ - Assisting Priest
    Deacon Tim Crooker - Pastoral Associate for Liturgy
    Dr. Mark Bailey - Pastoral Associate for Music


  • Office Manager Diane Roden
  • Phone: 513-721-4045
  • Fax:
  • Email: Email Diane Roden

Children and Youth Activities


Community Activities

Other Information

  • Parking: Free parking in the lot north of church (SW 7th and Sycamore) is available for Saturday 4pm and Sunday Masses. This DOES NOT include the parking lot on Sixth Street nor does it include the parking spaces beyond the alley. You will be ticketed if you are not parked in the designated lot. Free parking ends after the last Mass that day.
  • Dress Code:
  • Adult Congregation: 0
  • Under 18 Congregation: 0
  • Other Information:

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