House Of The Lord
1650 Diagonal Rd, Akron, Ohio
Christian churches in Akron, Ohio
Location of Worship
1650 Diagonal Rd
United States
Service Times
Praise & Worship Service Schedule
Sunday Service - 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM
Wednesday (Mid-week) - 7:00 PM
Contact Info
Call Pastor: (330) 864-9073
Call Office: 3308649073 ext. 221
Send Fax: 3308641617
Email Pastor
Email Admin
Visit Website
About House Of The Lord
We purpose to glorify God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, by winning the lost at any cost, accepting them as members of this local family of God, making disciples of all who choose to follow God, and equipping them for ministry, first in Akron and then in all the world.The vision of The House Of The Lord is to glorify God by providing saving and restorative healing and support for those in Northeastern Ohio who are consciously hurting, through the Good News of Jesus Christ, offered in a relational environment, so that these people may develop significant relationships with God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and other believers.
We strive to do this primarily through services that are celebrations of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, which are built around the Spirit-filled preaching of the Word of God and a sense of the presence of God, which is experienced in two predominant impressions: God's transcendent greatness, which is experienced as a sense of awe or excitement when we sense He is present; as well as God's immanent closeness, which is experienced as a sense of God's love that often manifests itself in a corporate worship experience with sensations of community and love from other people in the community. This sense of the presence of God would be accompanied by a freedom to express mature emotions, which would result in the conviction of sinners who are present and Christians who are built up, committed to Christ and His church, challenged to grow towards His vision for them, and demonstrating all of this in evangelism.
We also strive to realize our vision through Christian Education and discipleship that entails maturing people in the image of Christ, through the Sunday School and educational events, and the one another ministry of believers who exercise their spiritual gifts, through the power of the Holy Spirit, one-on-one and in small groups, so that the local body of Christ may build itself up in love.
We continue to pray that God would open doors for our continued expansion as we seek to minister to the Akron Community, Northeast Ohio, and the world.
Location Map
- Organizer & Senior Pastor Bishop Joey Johnson
- Phone: (330) 864-9073
- Email: Email Pastor
Other Church Leaders
- Secretary/ Receptionist Sis. Pat Reese
- Phone: 3308649073 ext. 221
- Fax: 3308641617
- Email: Email Admin
Children and Youth Activities
- Radio Broadcast Schedule
Weekdays, 11:30-12:00 Noon, WHK 1220 AM
Internet Broadcasts ( )
Television Broadcasts Schedule
Monday & Wednesday at 7:00 AM, PAX Cable Channel 23
Community Activities
Other Information
- Dress Code:
- Adult Congregation: 0
- Under 18 Congregation: 0
- Other Information: Office Hours
Sunday: 8:00-8:40 AM, 11:00-11:30 AM, 1:00-1:30 PM
Daily: 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM {5:00 PM on Friday}
The Church offices are closed on Saturday.