Bluffton Presbyterian Church

112 N Main St, Bluffton, Ohio

Presbyterian churches in Bluffton, Ohio

Bluffton Presbyterian Church, Bluffton, Ohio, United States

Location of Worship

112 N Main St
United States

Service Times

Contact Info

Call Pastor: 419-358-5806
Send Fax: 419-358-1090
Email Pastor
Visit Website

About Bluffton Presbyterian Church

Together at Bluffton Presbyterian Church, we're striving to become the kind of church described in the Bible, where there's relevant teaching, heart-felt worship, honest friendships, constant prayer, and compassionate care for those in need. In short, we'd like to have the kind of contagious Christianity that can influence and encourage the entire community, one life at a time.

We believe that sin, both what we have done and what we have failed to do - the Bible calls it "missing the mark" - describes the reality that things are not as they should be. We are self-obsessed, broken, fearful, and oppressive. We all see the problems in this world, and those of us who are humble enough to admit it realize that we've all played some role in contributing to the problems we see. Sin, its guilt, and its consequences are what Jesus came to save us from.

About The Church Worldwide: We believe in one worldwide people of God consisting of all the redeemed through every age and from every tribe, tongue and nation who possess true faith in Jesus Christ. In the Old Testament age, this faith was in God's promise to send a Messiah

About Separation of Church and State: We believe that each local church is self-governing, and must be free from interference by any external ecclesiastical or political authority; that every human being is ultimately responsible to God in matters of faith and life; and that each person is free to worship God according to the dictates of his/her conscience. We further believe that governments are established by God; that Christians, as good citizens, should be subject to governing authorities insofar as possible, recognizing our greater allegiance to God and His kingdom in matters wherein human authorities conflict with clear, biblical mandates.

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