About Christ Fellowship Worship Center
Our Mission:
To Build People by Touching, Teaching & Transforming with the WORD
The Vision:
To grow and minister the plan of salvation that will address necessary life changing needs
(Hebrew 11:10)
To expound on the scriptures until the word becomes life for the believer
(2 Timothy 2:15, 2 Timothy 3:15-16)
To reach/compel “whosoever” the masses, men women & youth, of all ethnicity’s and communities to come, learn and develop a personal relationship with Christ.
Sharing with them the fullness of God’s redeeming love.
(Jeremiah 31:3, Luke 14:23, John 3:16)
To teach the holistic ministry. God is concerned about the total person, spirit, soul and body.
(1 Thessalonians 5:23)
This will be accomplished through various ministry outreach preaching and teaching venues. As the ministry develops under God’s guidance and the leadership of our Pastor, stewards, service and support staff will be appointed to serve under the HELPS Ministry.