About Calvary Chapel of Syracuse
Our Vision:
"To Know Christ and Make Him Known"
Our Values:
We believe that what we value is indicated by what we do...
Praising Jesus Christ: He is the focus of all we do. We give a large part of our service to music and worship of Christ.
Preaching the Word: We give a large part of our service to studying God's Word, normally verse by verse, chapter by chapter, and book by book.
Praying for our World: We serve a prayer-hearing, prayer-answering God; a wonder-working God.
Practicing the Truth: We believe that the greatest evidence of a person possessing a personal relationship with Christ is a life of obedience - including authentic relationships with each other.
Proclaiming the Gospel: We seek to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) by participating with and supporting missionaries.
Participating in Fellowship: We participate in fellowship with one another in many and varied context in church and in the community.