About St. Theresa Church
Our Mission Statement
We, the Catholic Community of St. Theresa Parish, rich in diversity and unified by our common faith are committed to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ by being a safe, holy, hospitable place where all can worship and are welcome. Reaching out in service to family and community enables us to live the Gospel. Nourished by Christ in the Eucharist we become Eucharist for one another. St. Theresa, our patron saint, teaches us to live each day with confidence in God's love and we learn that what matters in life is "not great deeds, but great love".
Welcome to Saint Theresa Parish, a Catholic Community located in beautiful Rye Beach, New Hampshire. Rev. Maurice D. Lavigne is our Pastor. We always welcome and enjoy visitors! Please introduce yourself and let us know where you are from.
New Parishioners, please stop in or call the Rectory at your earliest convenience so we may meet you and have you register in our Parish Community.
Sacrament of Baptism, arrangements must be made in advance. Families must be registered in the Parish. Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession), Saturdays at 9:00 am & 3:00 pm, or by appointment. Sacrament of Marriage, according to Diocesan Policy engaged couples must take part in the Marriage Preparation Program. Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance.
Communion Calls for Shut-Ins, please notify the Rectory if anyone is unable to attend services because of illness handicap or age.
Sacrament of Marriage at St. Theresa Church. Contact Father Moe for an appointment and to request a date. Please Call 603-964-6440