The Barn

3101 S Luster Ave, Springfield, Missouri

Assemblies of God churches in Springfield, Missouri

The Barn, Springfield, Missouri, United States

Location of Worship

3101 S Luster Ave
United States

Service Times

Contact Info

Call Pastor: (417) 883-0676

About The Barn

We know you have a lot of great churches to choose from in Springfield, Missouri, and we encourage you to check them out. If in your search you find yourself on our doorstep, we will welcome you with loving arms. Our goal is to be an authentic community of believers who are learning to love Jesus and love others more and more each day. Come as you are - The Barn is a friendly and informal church. There's no need to dress up, unless it makes you feel more comfortable.

At The Barn in Springfield, we believe in the bodily resurrection of the saved and lost; in divine judgments leading to punishments or rewards. We further believe in the eternal existence of all human beings, either in hell or in the new heavens and new earth. Every person, age, & season of life is a vital part of a healthy church. We believe in the miraculous power of God, and through him all things are possible.

About The Sacraments: We believe in partaking of the sacrament of Baptism in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit following a person's profession of faith in Christ. We believe in Communion, the receiving of the Lord's Supper (bread and grape juice representing the Body and Blood of Christ) as a remembrance of Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross.

About God's Solution: We believe that all people are sinners by nature and by choice, and are, therefore under condemnation. We believe that those who repent of their sins and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior are regenerated by the Holy Spirit.

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