Saint Agnes

22 Boston Street, Middleton, Massachusetts

Roman Catholic churches in Middleton, Massachusetts

Saint Agnes, Middleton, Massachusetts, United States
Saint Agnes, Middleton, Massachusetts, United States

Location of Worship

22 Boston Street
United States

Mass Times

Weekend Masses

Saturday Mass

4:00 PM - (Praise and Worship Music/Traditional Hymns)

Sunday Mass

10:00 AM - (Praise and Worship Music/Traditional Hymns) - [Family Mass]

Pathfinders during 10 AM Mass

6:00 PM - ELEVATE Mass (Contemporary) - [Collaborative Mass at St. Rose of Lima]

Weekday Mass

9:00 AM - Tuesday and Thursday


6:00 – 7:00 PM - Second and Fourth Mondays of the Month


Solemnities & Holy Days

Christmas Eve
4:00pm @ Howe Manning (Middleton)
4:00pm @ St. Rose
6:00pm @ St. Rose
10:00pm @ St. Rose

Christmas Day
8:30am @ St Rose
10:00am @ St Agnes
11:30am @ St Rose

Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God

St. Rose of Lima Midnight by Candlelight: bring in the New Year with a Candlelit Mass preceded by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at 11:00pm

Holy Hour @ 11:00pm on December 31

Mass @ 12:00am on January 1

St. Agnes Mass @ 10:00am on January 1

*Christmas is a Holy Day of Obligation for all Catholics. Any Mass starting at 4pm or later on Christmas Eve, or any on Christmas Day, will fulfill the obligation.

Contact Info

Call Pastor: (978) 774-1958
Call Office: (978) 774-1958
Email Pastor
Email Admin
Visit Website

About Saint Agnes

St. Agnes Parish is a living and loving community of believers seeking deep and abiding faith in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

We depend on His love to guide and nourish us in our quest for holiness. Gathered around the Word of God and His holy sacraments, we are called to be witnesses of Him by our service to our people, our families, our neighborhoods and our world as we strive to provide a warm welcoming home for all the People of God.

Location Map


Other Church Leaders


Children and Youth Activities


Community Activities

Other Information