Our Lady of Guadalupe at St. James Church

(Roman Catholic church in New Bedford, ME)

233 County Street, New Bedford, Massachusetts

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Location of Worship

233 County Street New Bedford Massachusetts 02740 Jump to map

Mass Times

Sunday Masses / Misas Dominicales

Saturday: 4:00PM Vigil (English)

Sunday: 7:30AM (Spanish) 9:00 AM (English); 11:30AM (Spanish)

Daily Masses / Misas Diarias

Monday: 7:00 PM (Spanish)
Tuesday: 9:00AM (English)
Wednesday: (No Mass on Wednesdays)
Thursday: 7:00 PM (Spanish); Holy Hour: 7:30-8:30PM
Friday: 9:00AM (English)

Holy Days ~ Dias de Precepto

9:00AM (Bilingual)
7:00 PM (Bilingual)

Contact Info

Call Pastor: 508-992-9408 Call Office: 508-992-9408 Send Fax: 508-990-0575 Email Rev. Craig A. Pregana Email Ana Medina Visit Website

(last updated on the 28th of August, 2019)

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About Our Lady of Guadalupe at St. James Church

  • Welcome!

    Our parish is located near the port of New Bedford in Southeast New England. We're a blended community of young and old, English, Spanish, and Portugues. We gather on weekends for Sunday Mass, during the week for Mass, prayer and meetings.

    Join us for Mass and become involved in our parish family!

    Nuestra parroquia está ubicada cerca el puerto de New Bedford en el sur-este de Nueva Inglaterra. Somos una comunidad mezclada de jovenes y ancianos, Ingles, Español, y Portugues. Nos reunimos los domingos para la Misa dominical y durante la semana para la Misa, la oracion, y reuniones.

    Unense con nosotros en la Misa y sea parte de nuestra familia de fe!

    Padre Craig Pregana

Our Lady of Guadalupe at St. James Church Photos


  • Pastor Rev. Craig A. Pregana
  • Phone: 508-992-9408
  • Fax: 508-990-0575
  • Email: Email Rev. Craig A. Pregana

Other Church Leaders


  • Secretary Ana Medina
  • Phone: 508-992-9408
  • Fax: 508-990-0575
  • Email: Email Ana Medina

Children and Youth Activities


Community Activities

Other Information

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  • Dress Code:
  • Adult Congregation:
  • Under 18 Congregation:
  • Other Information:

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