Millbury Federated Church
20 Main St, Millbury, Massachusetts
United Methodist churches in Millbury, Massachusetts
Location of Worship
20 Main St
United States
Service Times
9:00-9:45 Children’s Sunday School
9:00-9:45 Adult Sunday School Class
9:30—10:00 Coffee Hour
10:00-11:30 Worship Service
12:00-1:30 Youth Group (Postponed till further notice)
Communion: First Sunday of every month
Please join us!
Contact Info
Call Pastor: (508) 865-6274
Call Office: (508) 865-6274
Email Pastor
Email Admin
Visit Website
About Millbury Federated Church
Our Mission Statement: Glorify, Edify, TestifyOur Vision Statement: The Millbury Federated Church is a growing community of people who love God first and foremost, and express love in worship: who love their neighbors as themselves: Are united in ministering to each other and those around them, and the world, by living out their personal relationships with Jesus Christ and utilization of their spiritual gifts.
Our Church Behavioral Covenant
We will be as honest as we can with each other.
We will speak to each other with respect.
We will communicate directly to each other using the first person.
We wills questions for clarification in order to confirm that we have understood correctly.
We will ask others to do that same.
We will affirm the merit of each others comments or suggestions before criticizing
We will strive to understand and speak from Factual information rather than jumping to conclusions. Based on assumptions or speculations
We will listen to understand one another's point of view, but do not necessarily have to agree.
Location Map
- Interim Pastor Doug Walker
- Phone: (508) 865-6274
- Email: Email Pastor
Other Church Leaders
- Church Secretary Pat Frongillo
- Phone: (508) 865-6274
- Email: Email Admin
Children and Youth Activities
Community Activities
- Sandra L. Fischer Food Pantry
Our church provides a food pantry for Millbury Residents who are in need.
It is open on Wednesday mornings from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.
It can also be opened on an emergency basis by calling the church office at 508-865-6274.
Our food pantry is supported entirely by donations from church participants, our Scout Troop, other youth organizations, local schools, and the community at large.
Food Pantry Needs
Food Items
Peanut butter
Pancake mix
Maple syrup
Baking mixes – bread, muffins, rolls
Rice products – rice pilaf, instant rice, rice side dishes
Instant potatoes
Spaghetti sauce
Pasta – macaroni and cheese, Spaghetti-Os, dried pasta, noodle side dishes
Dinners in a box – Hamburger Helper, Tuna Helper, complete meals
Juice – drink boxes, apple juice, grape juice, cranberry juice, powdered drink mixes
Canned fruit
Applesauce – individual cups
Pudding – individual cups
Canned vegetables
Cereal – oatmeal, cold cereal
Canned meats – tuna, ham, chicken
Non-Food Items
Feminine products
Paper towels
Toilet Tissue
Other Information
- Dress Code:
- Adult Congregation:
- Under 18 Congregation:
- Other Information: