About Millbury Federated Church
Our Mission Statement: Glorify, Edify, Testify
Our Vision Statement: The Millbury Federated Church is a growing community of people who love God first and foremost, and express love in worship: who love their neighbors as themselves: Are united in ministering to each other and those around them, and the world, by living out their personal relationships with Jesus Christ and utilization of their spiritual gifts.
Our Church Behavioral Covenant
We will be as honest as we can with each other.
We will speak to each other with respect.
We will communicate directly to each other using the first person.
We wills questions for clarification in order to confirm that we have understood correctly.
We will ask others to do that same.
We will affirm the merit of each others comments or suggestions before criticizing
We will strive to understand and speak from Factual information rather than jumping to conclusions. Based on assumptions or speculations
We will listen to understand one another's point of view, but do not necessarily have to agree.