About Potomac Presbyterian Church
Our Mission and Core Values
We are an active Christian community devoted to Worship that stirs the soul, Education that engages the mind, and Service that sends us into the world.
As part of living our vision for ministry, we strive to be:
A spiritual community, guided by scripture and the Holy Spirit
A nurturing community and safe harbor for all God’s children
A learning community, growing together by exploring how to be faithful in our everyday lives
An intergenerational community, learning from and led by God’s children of all ages
Our Beliefs
The Presbyterian Church USA shares certain beliefs with other Protestant denominations which trace their roots to the Protestant Reformation which was initiated by Martin Luther in 1520. These beliefs are:
The Continual Reformation of the Church
The church is reformed and always must be reforming its life and worship in light of God’s word.
Salvation by Grace through Faith
We are not saved by what we do, but by what God has done in Jesus Christ.
The Authority of the Holy Spirit Speaking through Scripture
The Bible is the supreme authority of a Christian’s life and all other authorities must be judged in light of what scripture would have us be and do.
Priesthood of All Believers
We are ultimately responsible for our life of faith, and we also serve as a “priest” to our neighbors as we pray for and support them in the life of church.
Sanctity of the Common Life
All aspects of life are holy and must be lived for the glory of God.