Unity Church of Christianity

(Unity church in Topeka, KS)

9126 SW Tenth Avenue, Topeka, Kansas

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Location of Worship

9126 SW Tenth Avenue Topeka Kansas 66675 Jump to map

Service Times

Sunday Service 11 a.m.

Nursery available 11 a.m.

Contact Info

Call Pastor: 785-478-1333 Call Office: 785-478-1333 Send Fax: Email Michael Jamison Send Email Visit Website

(last updated on the 24th of May, 2020)

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About Unity Church of Christianity

  • Because we are all connected by Spirit, Unity acknowledges the oneness of all people with God and with each other.

    Unity is more a school than a church. It is an educational movement dedicated to helping people live wiser, healthier, and more prosperous lives.

    Unity doctrine consists of only five points:

    Unity understands God as Absolute Good, lawfully unfolding, and the only spiritual power in the universe.
    Unity understands people as eternal souls, operating from a center of original virtue, not original sin.
    Unity understands that thoughts create the nature of our daily experience. Accordingly, we prefer to think positively and to affirm goodness in every situation.
    Unity understands the value of practicing an awareness of the presence of God through private meditation.
    Unity understands that our lives improve only to the degree that we put into action our awareness of God’s absolute unconditional goodness, the original virtue of people, the power of the mind, and the importance of meditation.

    Unity believes in practically applying spiritual principles to daily physical living. We know God to be Spirit, as Jesus taught, and that we are spiritual as well as physical beings. We believe that through affirmative prayer and positive thinking, any barrier to our good can be overcome.

    Unity is:

    MORE a positive attitude than a doctrine.

    MORE a call to affirmative prayer than a church.

    MORE interested in meeting spiritual needs than in writing creeds.

    Is Unity a Church?

    We meet on Sunday mornings and we begin our scriptural search with what has been said about Jesus Christ, but we include all inspired writings without prejudice. We encourage developing spirituality over promoting our religion.

    Since its founding as a Kansas City, MO, prayer ministry in 1889, Unity has embraced all people of all philosophies with love and understanding.

Unity Church of Christianity Photos


  • Sr Minister Michael Jamison
  • Phone: 785-478-1333
  • Fax:
  • Email: Email Michael Jamison

Other Church Leaders

Children and Youth Activities


  • Unity Online Radio
    The Voice of an Awakening World

    The Unity Online Radio Network is a platform for spiritual and New Thought discussions. The programs on the network are a powerful voice in providing the consciousness, clarity, and common vision necessary to create transformation in the world today. We call it The Voice of an Awakening World.


    Listeners can tune in around the clock to hear provocative, uplifting, and inspiring programs on topics ranging from what Jesus really taught to how to maintain a spiritual practice with your partner or spouse.

    The programming schedule offers something for everyone and features more than 36 new program episodes each week, 33 of them broadcast live, allowing listeners to call-in and participate in the discussion. The programs are hosted by Unity ministers, licensed Unity teachers, and other leaders from within and around the New Thought movement. The guests on some programs are amongst today’s hottest and most insightful leaders from around the world including Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, Michael Beckwith, Lynne Twist, and Gregg Braden to name just a few. We also feature some of the best New Thought music daily during the Unity Music Hour and on Sunday, the New Thought Music Day.

    Through partnerships with iTunes, Stitcher and other distribution channels, Unity Online Radio has the opportunity to reach millions. Our team is also working on innovative new ways to share these messages with our listeners.

Community Activities

Other Information

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  • Dress Code:
  • Adult Congregation: 0
  • Under 18 Congregation: 0
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