Evangelical Covenant Church

102 S Washington, Lindsborg, Kansas

Evangelical Covenant churches in Lindsborg, Kansas

Evangelical Covenant Church, Lindsborg, Kansas, United States
2014 Thanksgiving Service
Christmas service 2015

Location of Worship

102 S Washington
United States

Service Times

Regular Weekly Events


Contemporary worship: 8 am

Sunday school: 9:30 am

Traditional worship: 10:55 am

Sr High Youth Group (9th grade & up): 6:30 pm


HIS Kids Meal (FREE, open to EVERYONE): 6 pm

HIS Kids (age 4 thru 6th grade): 6:30 pm

Jr High Youth Group (7th & 8th grades): 6:30pm

Contact Info

Call Pastor: (785) 227-2447
Call Office: (785) 227-2447
Email Pastor
Email Admin
Visit Website

About Evangelical Covenant Church

Mission Statement

The Evangelical Covenant Church has its roots in historical Christianity as it emerged in the Protestant Reformation, in the Biblical instruction of the Lutheran Church of Sweden, and in the great awakening of the 19th century.

We are an apostolic church in that we believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, our Savior and Lord and accept the Holy Scriptures as the Word of God and the only perfect rule of faith, doctrine, and conduct. We are a reformation church, insisting on justification by grace alone through faith alone. We are an evangelical church, born out of the revival movement that touched all of Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries. Covenanters affirm a number of evangelical emphases:

- The Centrality of the Scriptures
- The Necessity of New Birth
- A Commitment to the Whole Mission of the Church
- The Church as a Fellowship of Believers
- A Conscious Dependence on the Holy Spirit
- The Reality of Freedom in Christ

The vision of our local congregation here in Lindsborg is four-fold; to bring glory to God, to be salt and light, to make disciples, and to serve those in need. In short: WORSHIP, WITNESS, TEACH, SERVE. We would like your feedback! Please let us know what brought you here and how we can serve you!

Location Map


Other Church Leaders


Children and Youth Activities


Community Activities

Other Information