About St Joseph Catholic Church
St. Joseph's Parish is called in Christ to celebrate God's love and to share it with one another and the community through faith, good works, and hope.
We, at St. Joseph's Parish, Lebanon, Boone County, a community of Roman Catholics in the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana, strive to live the mission of Jesus. In our relationship with God and one another, our goals are:
Create through the grace of God, our Father, a community of faithful stewards to respect the gifts of time, talent, and treasure given to us by our Creator.
Accept the love of Jesus for our brothers and sisters by sharing the Good News, praying and celebrating the Sacraments, offering a life-long Christian Formation process, and reaching out to those in need.
Respect and hold all life sacred from the moment of conception until natural death.
Empower, in and with the Holy Spirit, all of God's people by raising up the lowly and the poor, healing those in pain, and being a sign of unity and peace.