About Kingsway Christian Church
Welcome to Kingsway Christian Church. I'm glad to have this opportunity to say "hello."
Ever notice how some people describe "church?"
Phony. Boring. Pointless.
Not at Kingsway. As we serve God and others, our aim is to be genuine, energetic and relevant. We’re not perfect. But we are a welcoming and supportive community that comes together to find real meaning for everyday living and hope for the future.
At Kingsway, it is our heart's desire to do what God wants us to do. And, that begins with us being the kind of people he wants us to be. And, we're enjoying the journey together!
I understand that visiting a new place and meeting new people isn't easy. But I hope you feel welcome here.
If you are considering a visit to an upcoming Kingsway worship service or special event, please accept this as my personal invitation. You are always welcome here.
We hope to see you soon. But even if you never come, here’s a special message for you.
Because of Christ,
Matt Nickoson
Lead Pastor