Trinity Episcopal Church

(Episcopal church in Chicago, IL)

125 East 26th Street, Chicago, Illinois

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Location of Worship

125 East 26th Street Chicago Illinois 60616 Jump to map

Service Times

Sunday 8:00 am
Spoken Communion Service with Sermon

Sunday 11:00 am
Sung Communion Service with Sermon

Contact Info

Call Pastor: 312-842-7545 Call Office: Send Fax: Email The Rev. Errol Narain Visit Website

(last updated on the 29th of February, 2020)

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About Trinity Episcopal Church

  • Empowering ourselves to Serve others

    Who are we?

    A church community of faith focused on serving God manifested as three persons, namely, as Parent, as Child and as Holy Spirit.

    We strive to be students and disciples of scripture, church tradition, reason and subjective experience. We humbly submit to truth that is the outcome of proven experience and excellent scholarship.

    We seek to serve God and neighbor with our total selves, that is, with mind, heart and body.

    We strive to be mature in our relationships, seeking to preserve the oneness and unity of the community by living out the command to love unconditionally, thereby manifesting the fruits of the Holy Spirit, which are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. These are our guiding attitudes towards others especially in these modern times when various issues threaten our unity, common bond and love for one another.

    Our Common life

    Individual prayer and study life is encouraged, but our true strength is the coming together for common worship. At worship we collectively strengthen one another by our presence and participation in the orderly balanced structure of the service; the reading and understanding of the scriptures, the affirmation of our collective belief in the church's Creed, the common prayers, the rejoicing of the presence of God in the commemoration of the last meal (the Eucharist), and the covenant of commitment to go into the world to serve God in our neighbor.

    We meet regularly to learn in the weekly Bible reading and discussion group, the various interest discussion groups, and the adult and children's education programs.

    We minister incidentally at the places God has strategically placed us- our homes, our neighborhoods, our recreation and work places. We also minister directly at the cottage meetings as the Holy Spirit directs. In these meetings, participants are raised and trained to minister the Spirit.

    We intentionally strategize and plan to serve our neighborhood by providing programs. At present our facilities are used for ballet classes and community meetings. Future programs will include AA meetings, girl scouts and affordable housing.

    Approach to Scriptures

    We encourage private reading for guidance and inspiration. We strongly advise that our personal and private learning be subject to the community of faith as the scriptures direct. We understand that the community of faith includes the local church, Diocese and the world community. We believe that this strategy keeps us humble, loving and righteous especially in our attitudes towards those who are different from us. We emphasize study of the scriptures over the practice of merely reading the scriptures.


    Worship at Trinity engages the heart and mind. We strive to do justice to both. We aim at honesty and integrity. In all that we do in worship, we aim to please God rather than self. We come together to worship God, to learn, to have fellowship with the brethren and to be empowered to serve others with the gift of love.

    Our expectations from each other

    Be regular and on time when the community meets for worship.
    Participate in the worship by being an usher, acolyte, layminister, chalicist, chorister, etc. Training classes are offered for these ministries.
    Be a leader- in the vestry board, children's education, adult education, committees, etc.
    A participator in at least one of the programs- bible class, interest group (supper club, movie club, discussion groups, men's group, women's group), cottage prayer groups.
    Serve through church's outreach programs.
    Support the church's work financially.

Trinity Episcopal Church Photos


  • Rector The Rev. Errol Narain
  • Phone: 312-842-7545
  • Fax: 312-842-7557
  • Email: Email The Rev. Errol Narain

Other Church Leaders


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Children and Youth Activities


Community Activities

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  • Adult Congregation: 0
  • Under 18 Congregation: 0
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