The Summit Church
10375 Overland Rd, Boise, Idaho
Baptist churches in Boise, Idaho
Location of Worship
10375 Overland Rd
United States
Service Times
Sunday Services
Our Sunday worship services begin at 8:30AM & 10AM and combine a blend of dynamic music and practical teaching from the Bible.
The 10AM service offers full programming for kids
On the first Sunday of each month we host a “New Person Lunch." This time provides an informal setting for new people (and their kids) to meet the pastors and learn more about the various ministries we offer at The Summit Church.
If you're new, or you've been coming a while, we'd love to meet you at the next New Person Lunch as well as answer any questions you may have about The Summit Church.
Contact Info
Call Pastor: 208-375-4031
Email Pastor
Visit Website
About The Summit Church
Welcome to The Summit ChurchWe are a unique blend of people: young, old, and everything in between. We are big enough to provide many needed ministries for the community in which we live, yet small enough to foster a strong sense of community.
We are a church that deeply cares about Jesus and people. We desire to help people become life long followers of Jesus, who become more like Him every day.
Our Vision
“Making lifelong followers of Jesus who become more like Him every day.”
The product of The Summit Church is transformed lives. Our various programs exist to make committed, lifelong followers of Jesus who become more like Him each day. This is our vision and all of our ministries exist to accomplish this goal.
Our Strategy
So how exactly do you make a follower of Jesus? What can a person do to see their life changed into the image of Christ? Our strategy for accomplishing the vision includes 3 components:
Connecting you to a small group
Training you to practice 5 Habits for Christian growth (listed below)
Reaching your 8-15 with the gospel
We believe that a person who is connected in meaningful relationships with others, and who is regularly practicing the 5 Habits below, and who is actively reaching others with the message of salvation will remain a lifelong follower of Jesus whose life is being changed more and more into the image of Christ.
5 Habits for Christian Growth
The bottom line is that we can’t walk with God for you. The church has an important role but ultimately each person is responsible for their own spiritual life. These 5 habits are about spending time with Jesus throughout the week. Sundays are important but we encourage people at The Summit to follow Jesus on the other six days as well. We train and encourage these 5 habits so that individuals can take responsibility to grow in their relationship with God.
Daily Devotions – Spending time with God each day.
Prayer – Maintaining open and honest communication with God.
The Word – Bible study and memorization. It’s hard to obey God if we don’t know what he says.
Worship – Celebrating God’s presence and honoring Him with our lifestyle.
Giving ourselves away to meet the needs of others – God generously gave
Location Map
- Senior Pastor Jim Steiner
- Phone: 208-375-4031
- Email: Email Pastor
Other Church Leaders
Children and Youth Activities
Community Activities
Other Information
- Dress Code:
- Adult Congregation: 0
- Under 18 Congregation: 0
- Other Information: