Covenant Orthodox Presbyterian Church

1420 Rock Springs Rd., Buford, Georgia

Orthodox Presbyterian churches in Buford, Georgia

Covenant Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Buford, Georgia, United States
Summer Fest 2018

Location of Worship

1420 Rock Springs Rd.
United States

Service Times

Services: 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.

Prayer Meeting: 9:30 a.m. Wednesday

Contact Info

Call Pastor: 770-614-0209
Call Office: 770-614-0209
Email Pastor
Email Admin
Visit Website

About Covenant Orthodox Presbyterian Church

Covenant is a member church of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC). We began as a Bible study in 1987 and were particularized as a congregation in 1990. We were formed around several commitments, to which we continue to hold fast. First, that God’s Word, the Bible, is the only rule of faith and practice, doctrine and worship. As such, the sure way to “grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ” is to preach and teach the “whole counsel of God.” We believe in expository preaching through Scripture in our morning and evening services and systematic teaching through Scripture in our Sunday School classes, Bible studies for men, women, and young people. If we abide in the Word, Jesus Christ abides in us. We are warmly committed to the Westminster Confession of Faith, with its Larger and Shorter Catechisms, as the best summary of the system of truth taught in Scripture.

We also believe that the Word of God will make us loving, able and willing to serve one another. Fellowship and regular meeting together are a leading way the Lord strengthens us and draws us closer into one body. As we want the entire world to know God’s love and mercy through Jesus Christ, we also support the missionary expansion of the gospel and church of our Savior throughout the world, encourage our members to “share what God great things God has done for our soul,” and encourage our members to serve others.

We practice a weekly observance of the Lord’s Supper during the morning worship service, which we believe most closely approximates the apostolic model for the church. We have several midweek prayer meetings, a monthly men’s prayer meeting on the second Saturday of each month, and occasional days of prayer and fasting for the needs of our congregation and the broader kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Being persuaded that the church should be governed by multiple elders elected by the congregation, we endeavor to shepherd God’s flock, for which the Lord gave his blood. Our congregation’s families are divided up in a way so that each family receives oversight and encouragement to seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness.

We invite you to come and worship the Lord with us according to his word, learn and love his word, and grow together as his body, gathered together by his Word and Spirit to glorify and enjoy him, now and forever.

Location Map


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