Redeeming Word Christian Center International
2800 W Prospect Rd, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Christian churches in Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Location of Worship
2800 W Prospect Rd
Fort Lauderdale
United States
Service Times
Sunday 8:00am 10:30am
Thursday 7:00pm
Saturday Prayer 8:00am
Contact Info
Call Pastor: 954-485-4933
Call Office: 954-485-4933
Send Fax: 954-485-6023
Email Pastor
Email Admin
Visit Website
About Redeeming Word Christian Center International
The Vision:To see lives transformed by the power of God, to equip the body, which is the church, with the word of God, and to reach out to the Nations through evangelism impact nations! Simply put, we won’t stop until the whole world knows Jesus!
Core Objectives
Objective is defined as the goal to be obtained (or which is believed to be obtainable). To realize our vision, we’ve come up with four core objectives. These objectives are sub-goals that help us to clarify our vision and aid us in being more efficient at achieving our bigger goal.
Be a HEALTHY Church: Health is defined as a healthy state of wellbeing free from sickness, disease or pain. The bottom line is healthy churches (systems, processes, and people) produce healthy people. Our desire is to be a support system for people by helping them to live thriving productive lives in their families and communities.
Be an EQUIPPING church: Jesus commanded us to make disciples. At RWCCI we define a disciple as one who is developed and devoted following Jesus Christ and who influences others through love and service. Being an “equipping church” is how we endeavor to fulfill our responsibility to do what Jesus commanded us to do which is to “make disciples.”
Be a RELEVENT Church: Jesus’s effectiveness hinged on His ability to connect with his followers (and His critics). Our effectiveness as a church is no different. To be and stay relevant we must be a church that is current with culture and society and one that connects with the surrounding community in meaningful and purposeful ways. We don’t want to be a church that’s busy, we want to be a church that’s effective which largely depends on our ability to be relevant.
Be a RELATONAL Church: Being a relational church is about being a church that is presence and community focused: a place where people from all walks of life can set aside their differences and build meaningful lasting relationships that foster growth and development in Jesus Christ.
OUR VALUES (How We Behave):
Clearly stating and defining our values is our way of being intentional about the vision and purpose of our church. Our values are what ultimately define us because they govern how we live and behave day in and day out. These behavioral attitudes serve as guardrails so that we never lose sight of what we see. If we ever stop living our values, then we ultimately cease to be “the church” that He has called us to be.
GOD: We LOVE GOD. We are born to extravagantly love and be loved by God and to express the transforming power of His love to the rest of the world.
PEOPLE: We LOVE PEOPLE. Because God loves and values all people, we love and value all people.
WORSHIP: We worship because we are born to worship. Living a life of worship honors and pleases God and is the best way to say thank you for saving us.
GOD’S WORD: We believe Gods Word (the Bible) in conjunction with the leadership and guidance of the Holy Spirit is the final authority in our lives. It’s God’s how-to manual for us on how to be like Him, act like Him and get results like Him.
PRAYER: We pray. We believe all of heaven and earth is depending on our prayers and that we have a responsibility to pray until we see God. Prayer is and always will be a priority for us.
WITNESSING: We represent God. We believe we owe it to God to invest in those who don’t know Him or that have a wrong understanding of who He is, and that it’s our responsibility to invite them into a relationship with Him. Through the teaching of His word and demonstration of His power we encourage those we encounter to put their faith and trust in Christ, accept Him as their Savior and follow His leadership in everyday life as partners of a local church.
SERVING: We serve. Compassion that does not translate to serving is not true compassion at all. We fully understand that if we want to win the world we must be willing to serve it beginning with our families, our communities and then the world beyond.
GIVING: We give. A life of generosity is a life well lived, therefore consistently giving to our church and our community is paramount.
GROWTH: We commit to grow and develop. Committing to Gods growth process (discipleship) is key to looking like Jesus, acting like Jesus and getting Jesus-like results.
COMMUNITY: We can do more “as one”. Family and fellowship are fundamental building blocks of our church and Gods Kingdom because His glory was meant to be expressed in the context of community.
ENJOYING LIFE: We have fun. God not only wants us to have life but He wants us to enjoy it spirit, soul and body.
WINNING: We are winners. It is Gods will for us to live victorious Jesus filled lives.
SUPERNATURAL LIFESTYLE: Miracles are normal. The supernatural shouldn’t be the exception but the norm for every believer.
Location Map
- Senior Pastors Apostles Ed and Yvette Brinson
- Phone: 954-485-4933
- Email: Email Pastor
Other Church Leaders
- Office Manager Krystalin Frazier
- Phone: 954-485-4933
- Fax: 954-485-6023
- Email: Email Admin
Children and Youth Activities
Community Activities
Other Information
- Dress Code:
- Adult Congregation: 0
- Under 18 Congregation: 0
- Other Information: