Fruit Cove Baptist Church
501 State Road 13, Jacksonville, Florida
Baptist churches in Jacksonville, Florida
Location of Worship
501 State Road 13
United States
Service Times
Worship 9:30 & 11am
Connect Groups 9:30 & 11am
Join Us Live!
(Sundays at 9:30 and 11am)
2 Options to watch LIVE
Live Stream/Church Online
Local Radio – Our 9:30 Sunday service is broadcast live on JAX Country (94.1 fm) and 11am service on The Promise (100.7 fm).
In light of recent spikes in COVID-19 cases, we encourage you to please stay home and worship with us online if:
You are sick
Someone in your family has a fever over 100 degrees, cough or sore throat, or shortness of breath
You have had significant exposure (within 6 feet for 15 minutes or longer) to someone with COVID-19 in the past 10 days please self-quarantine until you can test negative
You feel uncomfortable worshipping on campus
Contact Info
Call Pastor: (904) 287-0996
Call Office: (904) 287-0996
Send Fax: (904) 287-1579
Email Pastor
Email Admin
Visit Website
About Fruit Cove Baptist Church
Our BeliefsWe believe that the most important decision anyone will ever make is what they believe about Jesus. We believe that Jesus Christ provides the only way through which we can have peace with God. If you are undecided about Christ, please take a few minutes to carefully consider the information here.
Our basic biblical beliefs are explained in The Baptist Faith and Message, adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention on June 14, 2000. View the current edition of The Baptist Faith & Message.
Our Mission
At Fruit Cove, we’re actively pursuing what we refer to as our “E3 Strategy.” We believe that this church exists to Equip the people with God’s Word, Engage the culture with God’s Truth, and Embrace the world with God’s Love.
Our Vision
While we live in a wonderful part of the world, we believe that people living out a worldview based on God’s eternal truth can and will contribute to making it an even better place to live, work and play. We express our responsibility through three words: transformation, contextualization and multiplication.
As we come to know and understand God’s Word, the way we think, feel and act changes. We live not for our own benefit, but for the benefit of others as an act of worship.
If the people who participate in our church’s ministry are truly equipped with God’s Word – and experience a transformation in the way we think, feel and act- we will live out the Gospel and lead others in our circle of influence to do the same.
We invite you to join us as we teach God’s Word through worship and relational groups that help equip us to think, feel and act as would Jesus if he lived in Fruit Cove today.
As we come to know and understand the cultural context in which God has placed us, we recognize that we face challenges individually and as a community. These challenges impact our relationships with our families and friends with whom we live, work and play.
If the people who participate in our church’s ministry are engaging our culture with God’s Truth – with an understanding of our unique context – we will recognize how His truth can enrich and strengthen the relationships that are most important to us.
We invite you to join us as we create and serve in ministries that confront the culture with the love of God.
As we come to know and understand what it is to embrace the world with God’s love, we find that His love really does change the way we all think, feel and act. So, wherever we go -from Jacksonville to the world – we seek to live in a way that demonstrates His love to all people.
If the people who participate in our church’s ministry are embracing the world with God’s love, we will be people on mission and find that others will join us on our journey.
We invite you to join us as we embrace our responsibility to love others as God has loved us.
Location Map
- Lead Pastor Dr. Timothy D. Maynard
- Phone: (904) 287-0996
- Fax: (904) 287-1579
- Email: Email Pastor
Other Church Leaders
- Toni Gellerstedt, Director of Weekday Preschool
Melissa Goodman, Children Ministries Director
Rev. Neil Muniz, SportsLife Minister
Rev. Jason Stanland, Middle School Pastor
Linda Warne, Women’s Ministry Director
Rev. Jonathan Wilson, Pastor to Families and Missions
Rev Brian Woofter, Worship Pastor
- Administrative Assistant Vicki Denney
- Phone: (904) 287-0996
- Fax: (904) 287-1579
- Email: Email Admin
Children and Youth Activities
- Sunday School – Sundays at 11 am in Bldg B
Children’s Worship – Sundays at 9:30 am in Bldg B with a fun, fast paced time of worship for all kids in Bldg. A.
Events like Crossover Weekend (usually in March or April), Fishing Tournaments, Almost Sleepovers.
Royal Ambassadors & Girls in Action – Wednesdays at 6:00 pm. These programs teach children to be missional through missionary stories and activities and are offered during the school year.
Children’s Choirs – Wednesdays at 6:45 pm during the school year.
All in a fun, safe environment. All leadership has had an extensive background screening and is trained annually.
Community Activities
Other Information
- Dress Code: What you wear is entirely up to you. You will see people dressed in shorts and others in suits and ties. If we had to generalize, most wear “resort casual.” But come what you are comfortable in!
- Adult Congregation: 0
- Under 18 Congregation: 0
- Other Information: