About Aldersgate United Methodist Church
What We Believe:
There is a God of love who has created the world and sustains the universe with his personal will. God is infinite, so we cannot ever wrap our minds around the mystery of his eternal life. Because God has revealed himself in the creation, which reflects some of his beauty and wisdom, everyone has an inner awareness of God’s reality. Mercifully, God hasn’t abandoned us when we turn away from him, but life without God leaves a hollowness and indirectly witnesses to God’s peace which we lack. Through the history of his people, Israel and his only Son Jesus Christ, God has been working to save and restore the whole of creation to its original glory, beginning with people whose lives have been changed by Christ.
Aldersgate United Methodist Church is part of the church universal, that is, the entire number of those who worship and serve Jesus Christ as Lord. United Methodists share a common heritage with Christians of every age and nation. This heritage is grounded in the apostolic witness to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, which is the source and measure of all valid Christian teaching (2012 Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church):
We hold in common with ALL Christians a faith in the mystery of salvation in and through Jesus Christ.
At the heart of the gospel of salvation is God’s incarnation in Jesus of Nazareth. Scripture witnesses to the redeeming love of God in Jesus’ life and teachings, his atoning death, his resurrection, his sovereign presence in history, his triumph over the powers of evil and death and his promised return. Because God truly loves us in spite of our willful sin, God judges us, summons us to repentance, pardons us, receives us by that grace given us in Jesus Christ, and gives us hope of life eternal. We share the Christian belief that God’s redemptive love is realized in human life by the activity of the Holy Spirit, both in personal experience and in the community of believers.With other Christians we recognize that the reign (kingdom) of God is both a present and future reality.