About Hope Bible Church
“Doesn’t Seaford have enough churches?” you might ask. “What can one more church out of dozens possibly do?”
The answer to these questions is simple: be a Gospel witness to our community, bring hope to the lost, and bring encouragement and discipleship to the Lord’s sheep.
In Scripture, the Lord Jesus commissioned His apostles to “go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you (Matthew 28:19-20a).” Soon afterward, these men preached the Gospel, the Lord saved many people, and the Church was born (Acts 2:14-40). The Church’s mission is to love the community by sharing the Gospel.
And this is our desire for Seaford. We desire to proclaim Christ to make disciples of Christ. We believe the Father planned salvation, the Son accomplished it, and the Holy Spirit applies it. It is this hope that we desire to proclaim. This is why we are called Hope Bible Church.
Therefore, if you are looking for hope, a church where the Bible is authoritative, and a church where the Gospel is taught, this is the church for you. Your soul depends on it. Do not settle for anything less.